Welcome to the home of the uAskitd suite of
data collection support programs.
At times this project depends on
The Paramiko SSH library
How to install
Current system-(13May2008, back ported some ideas of this package to first run)
(Interim until a build/release gets created)
- Install a version of python( tested with 2.4 but should work with 2.5 and 2.6.)
- Install dependancies
- Register pythonservice.exe at the cmd: C:\python2(4|5|6)\lib\site-packages\win32\pythonservice /register
- If you want the local page, install a webserver. I use Apache.
- copy test.py into the cgi-bin folder, you'll need to create .cfg files for each display.
- create a directory to hold the folders for uaskitd,webdataservice(even if your not doing the page), and procshef and then copy/checkout the folders into each one
- Edit uaskitd.py to point to the installation directory and were you want it's datafile to be dumped to
- Edit webdataservice.py to point to the place where the data is dumped and to the SQLite database( I will create the database for you, just enter a full path to were you want it created
- Edit procshef.py to point to it's installation directory and to the location of the database
- follow the examples in uaskitd/configs and procshef/configs to configure your stations/data transmission points
- If you want to build the config_gui( which is only for askitd right now) the executable should go in the uaskitd folder
- To get the uAskitd service running: uaskitd --startup=auto install
- WebData: webdataservice.py --startup=auto install
- procshef: procshef.py --startup=auto install
- That should do it
Old System-Now the current system
- Run the register service from about
- download current version( will make a relase soon ) the current trunk of askitd
svn: uaskitd.svn.sf.net/svnroot/uaskitd/askitd
- Set a windows environmental variable DCS_ROOT to point to the place were you expanded the code
- Install the dependancies( python[2.4, 2.5 should work],pycrypto,wxpython,pyserial,paramiko,pysqlite
- The file install_deps.bat lists the versions of the software that were tested with
If you make a directory called packages and add the dependancies there and the versions match the script will run them
and install/active the serivces
- Edit config.ini for you installation( you must stop the service first, it writes info on close and destroys everything)
- Spend time making a plugin for you datacollection device( sorry, I only have a few, post input/output in the forum if you want us to take a crack at it
- The instructions relating to the web display are the same as the above system( you'll have to change the path of the database to match the output directory listed in the .ini file)
- It should be working now
Should you need any help hit the forums from the
project page
Documentation can be found here